Saturday, April 25, 2009

Windows Live Writer…win?

Ok, so I’m gonna give Windows Live Writer a try… So far, I already hate it for it’s lack of auto-correct, and the fact that it does weird stuff when I press enter. Maybe I’m being too technical for it’s poor little brain…

On the subject of Windows Live, had fun yesterday trying to make a movie in Windows Movie Maker and have it freeze multiple times. Expected, maybe… but I was making a movie of a Demo of Movie Maker, which is kind of the definition…

Also, last night was the first time I’ve been in the valley on a Friday night… sober. It was an odd sensation. But I ate at KOH-YAAAAAA!!! It’s a pretty rad place, especially when the SCREAM every time someone walks in the door, and have the uncanny ability of knowinIMG_0292g whether someone is leaving or not. I sucked it up and ate all this weird food like ox tongue…

Then we got Red Bull Gelato which is AMAZING!!!

Anyway, I’m posting a blog post for the sake of posting a blog post. I’ll have something more interesting later. In the mean time, have some marshmallows.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am one of the developers of Windows Live Writer. The problem with using 'enter' is most likely related to the following lines of code form your Blogger theme:

    /* Fix bug in IE5/Win with italics in posts */
    margin: 0;
    height: 1%;

    Try removing that from your Blogger theme, which should be ok since no one uses IE5 anymore. Then do "View | Refresh Theme" in Windows Live Writer. The problem should be fixed.

    If you still have problems feel free to email me at bturner(at)microsoft(dot)com
