Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What? This totally counts as Statistics study...

Why do I have a gift from someone I hate on my desk? I only just noticed this.

So Debussy is back on, which means only one this: Kiran's half-arsed attempt to study!!! Yay!!! But hopefully I'll be able to kick myself into a routine... I really need to step up my game if I wanna... you know... survive life and stuff.

And it's that stage of the year where I get all emo and self-reflective and stuff. Amazingly it's not too bad this year. Woo hoo! I just need to cycle through the priorities in my life... as usual. Maybe this year I'll actually change. Fingers crossed, aye?

Another news, apparently I get a car if I do well this semester. Not just any car, but the Mazda 3 that I have made mine and grown incredibly attached to over the past year. I love the little thing. It can out-rice V6s (until you hit 80...) and takes corners superbly. Doesn't like speed bumps, though...

Anyway, i really should do some more study before sleep... and then a full day shift! Let's hope it'll be better than today: I spoke to 6 people on a 7 hour shift...

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