Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As many of you would be aware, I do enjoy the occasional drink with my friends. This particular night had... quite a number of these occasions. My mate Rob, who is the most hilarious drunk, attempted to play Halo 3 (and by attempted I mean demanded that someone play against him). Hilarity ensues.

Note that at 0:46, rob does in fact get a kill, making the score 15-1.

My other mate, Taylor, was attempting sleep in this room with little success, so at the end of this video convinces Rob to give him the controller with the score at 22-1. Note that despite considerable levels of alcohol, Taylor manages to finish with the score at 25-23 in his favour.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mute math mania

I t old you Mute Math mania was coming. Their new album, aside from being one of the only 2 albums ive given a full 5-star rating tot (the other being Sound Awake), 5 of the songs have made it to my top 25 most played. To put this in multiple perspectives, not only have i listened to the album primarily in the car (that is, not counted on the top 25 most played), but from the day i got it (tuesday) to the following monday, I hadn't listened to anything but songs from the album (and possibly a few radio songs while in a shopping centre, forgive me lord darren).

Darren King --> please make babies with me. Or at least let me drink your blood.

Friday, September 4, 2009

final fantasy: VII:2 Bird style

trolling because of my love of cockatiels, just found this rad video

and i already knew about this one, but is still awesome.

Thursday, September 3, 2009